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Make it on Main Street!

on Sat, 02/08/2025 - 17:24


I am thrilled to be a finalist in Wilmington Works' Make it on Main Street business funding competition.  An award will help me re-open Cherry Press Printmaking at the fabulous ArtHouse on 12 Main Street, in the beautiful Green Mountain town of Wilmington, Vermont.

Please show your support on Thursday, February 20th at 5 pm, when I will be giving a public presentation with my four fellow finalists at ArtHouse.

Read an interview with me and more about the event in this article, published  in the Deerfield Valley News on 2/7/25:

Make it on Main Street judges name finalists,


We're moving!

on Sun, 08/18/2024 - 19:05

Cherry Press is moving to the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont.

Stay tuned!

Three Days to Kill Editions

on Thu, 01/27/2022 - 18:30


I'm pleased to announce a series of two silkscreen editions I enjoyed collaborating on with the fabulous Farhad Mirza:

The Three Days to Kill editions are a set of companion prints Farhad devised to celebrate the release of Kevin Kenkel's first solo single of the same name.

The prints are for sale ($200 / $150 e.v.), please contact me or Farhad to purchase one!

The single is available on Bandcamp



Magic Sprinkles

on Thu, 01/27/2022 - 18:02


You can now purchase Magic Sprinkles, Cherry Press' fabulously fragrant Mediterranean citrus hand sanitizer from me and at the Bennington Bookstore and on the College Bookstore's website.

You use a lot of hand sanitizer working on a college campus during a pandemic.  Tired of horrible-smelling sprays and gels, I set out to create a pleasantly-scented, portable disinfectant.

I was inspired by the redolence of cold-pressed lemon oil, an active ingredient in Lemon Plate Cleaner (LPC).  LPC is a non-toxic replacement for lithographic Finisher Preserver Cleaner that I developed here,

Summer Projects

on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 22:14

This summer I have been working on some exciting collaborative printing projects, including a screen print with the delightful Farhad Mirza...stay tuned!  Over this continued period of chosen quiet time (classes are on hold while the pandemic pervades), I've also renovated the studio downstairs darkroom/ litho graining area and taken a long and interesting trip down memory lane while re-organizing the flat files!  Lots of rabbits around this summer, this one likes to visit outside the studio windows and has come back since with its baby rabbit.





Technique Video Series

on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 20:56

Ever wondered what lithography is or how it works? The Shelburne Museum in VT invited me to co-create two videos for their online for their online Technique'series online: Chapter 1: Traditional Stone Lithography and Chapter 2: Non-toxic Century Plate Lithography.  You can watch them both and more fascinating technique videos by other collaborating artists at:


Broadway Blooms Editions

on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 20:25


In May 2020, British sculptor Jon Isherwood and I completed a series of three silkscreen editions to compliment the planned installation date of his Broadway Blooms.  Delayed by trans-oceanic supply-chain congestion, on  August 2, 2021, the Broadway Mall Association launched Broadway Blooms: Jon Isherwood on Broadway, a sculpture exhibition at eight locations on the green malls at the center of Broadway from 64th Street to 157th Street.

Jon Isherwood: Silkscreen Monoprints

on Wed, 01/26/2022 - 18:05

Last winter and spring I had the pleasure of collaborating on a series of seven silkscreen monoprints with British sculptor Jon Isherwood.  Jon's fantastic, large-scale, Italian marble sculptures can be seen world-wide and his Broadway Blooms are gracing eight locations along the Broadway Malls between 64th and 157th Streets in New York City through spring of 2022.  Jon's painterly, experimental approach and lively temperament made this project a treat to work on.


A Change in the Light - Exhibition at The Clark

on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 00:26

On View: February 13 - May 16, 2021

I was invited by the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA to create several cliché-verre plates to illustrate each step for two processes, one which uses lithographic ink and the other oil paint as the bases of the photographic glass negatives.  The plates were then printed by photographer Jonathan Kline on light-sensitive photo paper using archival processes.  The plates and prints can be seen in the didactic display case of this exhibition.

Here is a description of the exhibition below, from The Clark's website.

Coming Soon: Online Demonstrations & Workshops

on Sat, 05/09/2020 - 19:44

Online Demonstrations & Workshops:

Due to the Corona Virus/Covid-19 Pandemic, Cherry Press is closed to the public for the time being and will re-open when deemed safe to do so.  I have been teaching online and hybrid workshops in lithography, screen printing and woodcut/relief printing for my Bennington College and RISD printmaking classes.  

Contact me if you are interested in scheduling an on-line workshop or demonstration.

When the academic year is over (spring 2021), we will begin offering workshops and demonstrations in printmaking and new to Cherry Press: wood carving, which will be
