Mark Silverberg (formerly of Mark Silverberg Editions, Oaxaca, Mexico) came to the studio from Thailand for several days of immersion in non-toxic Century Plate lithography. Mark is planning to open a new shop in Chiang Mai, where he will return to collaborating on and printing fine art lithographs for artists using re-usable Century Plates and the bio-based biodegradable processing materials invented by Professor Dwight Pogue and Inventor/Engineer Skip Klepacki of
C.S. Pogue Graphics. We had a blast printing test plates and pushing the boundries. We spent a great day with Dwight and Skip for a special master class in using Posi-Coat, which converts Century Plates into positive-working photolitho plates! Thanks to Dwight and Skip, Cherry Press will be set up soon to include positive-working photo processes in the array of printmaking projects you can work on here! We wish Mark all the best and can't wait to hear more news about his new shop in Thailand.